Harrison's Nursery

Harrison might be one of the only babies who have had 4 nurseries, in 5 months of life. 

The  1st was at my parents' house, where we all stayed following the delivery since it was too much for me to stay in our 3rd story walk up apartment I have no pictures but it was all our stuff in my childhood bedroom, so just imagine that!

The 2nd was his nursery in our South End, Boston apartment (a mere 2 weeks). This nursery was the one I worked so hard to get ready for, and was completely taken apart and moved by my parents to CT while we were all still in the hospital waiting to be discharged.

The 3rd was in our brand new home, that we moved into when Harrison was 6 weeks old.  

The 4th (and final) came after we moved him into the larger of the two spare bedrooms we have. His 3rd nursery became our guest room! The final is not completed yet -- stay tuned. 

When starting to plan out his nursery, we knew we wanted to keep the space calm, neutral and clean. We did not know whether Baby Barber would be a girl or a boy, but to be honest that didn't effect my design process at all. I wanted the same vibe whether for my son or daughter, and just planned on tweaking some things once we brought him or her home.

Harrison's 2nd Nursery | South End, Boston

Harrison's 3rd Nursery | Dedham, Mass.
