A Day In The Life


A very common, and very annoying, question I receive a lot is -- "Aren't you bored? But what do you DO all day?" 

I have literally never been LESS bored in my entire life.

Here's a little glimpse into our everyday. We try to keep more of a routine rather than a schedule, because no two days are EVER the same and things fluctuate daily with appointments and groups, etc so we're flexible on timing but try to keep the activity routine pretty consistent!

Anytime between 6AM - 7AM Harrison will wake for the day + have his morning feed.

7:30AM - 8:30AM Awake + play time, usually starting in bed with me with books and toys and then moving downstairs (so I can make a very needed cup of coffee) and Harry can enjoy his little play area in our living room.

8:30AM - 10:30AM(ish) Morning nap -- my time to have coffee/breakfast, let Hildie outside, put laundry on, empty the dishwasher from the night before, etc.

10:30AM Harry wakes + has his mid-morning feed + first solids fruit or vegetable "meal" of the day

10:30AM - 12:30PM Awake time -- usually when we try to go grocery shopping, run errands, have a play date, attend a moms group, head to the library for storytime -- and just get out of the house for a bit!

12:30AM -2:30PM(ish) Afternoon feed + nap -- Once Harry is down, I eat lunch, clean up the house, put groceries away, pay any bills/house management tasks and start to prep dinner because the afternoons are always so busy.

2:30PM Around this time, Harry wakes + has his afternoon milk and his second solid "meal" of the day.

2:45PM - 3:30PM Free/play time. We either go for a nice long walk with Hildie, run some errands or have a play date. Harrison will take another catnap around 3/4PM -- but this one is usually always "on the go" (in his stroller, carseat, carrier, etc.) This catnap really helps to stretch out the time til his bedtime. 

4PM Late afternoon milk and his fruit/vegetable of the day followed by playtime.

5:30PM Bedtime routine begins! We do a bath everynight, but only with soap every 2-3 days so his skin doesn't get dried out. We then do his final feed of the day + storytime and put down for bed, usually by 6:30PM

Nick and I always have dinner together, alone, around 7:30PM/8PM. It's super important to us to have this time to talk about our days, Harrison, and things we have coming up. I remember in the first weeks of Harrison being with us and not really on a sleep schedule yet, aka up with us all the time -- I cried to Nick saying "WILL WE EVER EAT DINNER TOGETHER EVER AGAIN?!" We did.