Hospital Bag Essentials

I’m here to add yet another “hospital bag essentials” blog post to the internet. When I was pregnant with Harry, I think I read every single one, compiling lists and basically completely overpacked. It was overwhelming to have so much STUFF with us in the room, especially when you’re with a newborn for the first time.

I went through my list right after, and parred down what we barely used/didn’t need/never took out of our multiple bags. I swore to myself if we were lucky enough to have more babies, I was never bringing that much to the hospital again. So now here we are, less than two weeks til delivery day with our second baby and our bags are packed!

It’s important to know that the hospital literally has everything you will absolutely NEED for you and the baby. Everything you’re bringing is to simply make your time more comfortable and personal.

So, here’s this parred down list. I hope you expectant friends find it helpful as you start to plan for the first few days of your little one’s arrival!


For Mom

  • Wallet with ID and don’t forget your insurance card — You’ll need to register as soon as you get to the hospital and want to make sure you have all the right identification needed

  • Extension cord/extra long phone charger — Most of the time there are minimal outlets in the labor and postpartum rooms, and they can be far away from your bed. An extension cord makes life so much easier to ensure your phone/tablet is charged and easily accesible.

  • Toiletry Bag — Dry shampoo, wipes, nipple cream, makeup, toothbrush/toothpaste

  • Robe / Nightgown — While sad, it makes life a little bit easier that no visitors are allowed with the pandemic going on, so you don’t have to worry about having anything too elaborate to wear when visitors come. Since I’m having a c-section, I searched high and low for a comfortable, yet pretty lightweight nightgown. I ended up going with this cotton nightgown with buttons for easy breastfeeding/skin-to-skin and this Monica & Andy robe

  • Nursing Bras — My go-to with Harry was the Bravado ‘Ballet Nursing Bra’, which I plan on using again this time around, SO incredibly comfortable, which is very important when you’ll be wearing these bras 24/7. I also got the Lively ‘Mesh Trim’ bralette because I did want something with a little more support when out and about. No need to worry about bringing underwear — they got that covered for you ;)

  • Socks — Love Bodily’s ‘Cozy Socks’

  • Pump — The hospital will also provide one, but I think it’s best to bring your own so you can get used to using it plus ask alllllll the questions for best practices for your specific model from the nurses and lactation specialists who will visit you in postpartum care.

  • Boppy Pillow — Makes early days of nursing easier, especially for recovering c-section moms

  • Going Home Clothes — I don’t even remember what I wore leaving the hospital with Harry, but it was definitely not what I packed, all such a haze. This time I’m planning on a light-weight, loose fitting dress to make things easy and also make myself feel good. Most likely this MDS Stripes dress or my Hatch go-to

For Baby

  • Baby Blanket — Very important for alllll the newborn cuddles, and cozying up for skin-to-skin. So madly in love with our Willaby ‘Lace Baby Blanket’ in Moon

  • Swaddle — They will provide the classic blue/pink hospital blankets (which I actually love and are the BEST for swaddling), but it’s always nice to have one or two of your own as well. We love Solly Baby, Pehr, and Quincy Mae

  • Hat(/Bonnet(s) — Again, they will provide, but since we’re not finding out the gender until delivery, I like to have a girly/boyish option for hats to make things a little more special. Our favorites: Briar Baby, Quincy Mae, and Organic Zoo

  • Going Home Outfit — Something cute & comfy — Fin & Vince, Solly Baby, Quincy Mae, Summer & Storm, and Go Gently Nation are some of our favorites.

  • Pacifiers — Again, they will give you! We didn’t bring any last time and it was fine and he ended up using those same kind until he quit them. This time we’re going with the Mushie ‘Bibs Pacifier”

  • Bibs — Harry was a drooler/professional spit up-er since the moment he was born, and bibs saved (and continue to save…) so many clothes. I swear by Charley Charles bibs, and are going to try out her smaller ones for the newborn this time around!

For Dad

  • Toiletry Bag

  • Change of Clothes - button down for easy skin-to-skin and comfy clothes