A 2018 Housewife

I know that it boggles a lot of people’s minds how I live my day to day.

I used to compare it to that of a 1950’s housewife, and would say it almost shamelessly. We’ve come SO far as women in today’s society, it was hard for me to admit I LOVE this time in my life, being a housewife and stay at home mom, and that loving it so much somehow made me less of a progressive women in today’s world.

I love making our house a home, raising Harrison, doing laundry, organizing, and having a quiet home-cooked meal on the table every night.

I love our simple days of afternoon walks, and Harrison watching me cook dinner.

I love our slow mornings in bed, with books and toys and watching him grow right before my eyes.

I love our trips to the grocery store on Monday mornings, and trekking to the local farm and pumpkin patch on a Wednesday afternoon between naptimes.

I can’t wait til he is old enough to go to the playground.

I love my little projects during his naptimes, that Nick notices as soon as he comes home and thanks me for time and time again.

I love decorating our house for our first holiday season, and starting weird decorating traditions.

Does this make me less of a modern feminist woman? You may think so, but I do not. I know I am doing the job I was meant to do, for my son, and for our family. A job that I have truly dreamed to do for so long. I don’t think I’m letting any feminist down by doing so, but I can’t help but wonder (how Carrie Bradshaw of me…) if I am. Do young career driven women think my degrees, countless internships, years of tireless, endless New York City turned Boston working was a waste? Do family friends and acquaintances mutter under their breath about what I’ve “given up”? Probably. Definitely, actually.

It was hard for me to get here, so I don’t expect others to understand. To understand I could never be ashamed to be “just” a stay at home mom who loves and cherishes this new role more than any one she’s ever had before.